Phone: 1-800-241-9899
"For All of Your Community Development Needs"
Learn More About Our Specific Services
We bring a deep understanding of each industry we work with and come up with individual solutions for each client. Our operational guarantee ensures that our client will embrace the changes we collaborate on. No two communities are the same and Safe Built LLC recognizes and embraces that uniqueness through our comprehensive approach to all that we do. We know what it it is like to be the one man show in the office and we know what is like to be one of many experts in the field working in a collaborative effort. Safe Built LLC is more than just a Building and Planning services company. We are a resource to create efficiency and education through a programmatic approach that engages staff in a manner that will motivate and energize both inside the office and in the field. We strive to provide more than just a service we are in the business of long term solutions through process management.
Safe Built LLC offers a full range of consulting services to government jurisdictions to assist in all areas of permitting from Building to Public Works, Flood, Zoning and other jurisdictional issued permits.
Safe Built LLC offers a one stop shop for small communities and a resource to fill in the gaps for larger communities.
Safe Built LLC has years of experience helping to create customized strategies to implement regulations and codes, as adopted by communities, in an effective and efficient manner that streamlines your permitting processes from intake to permit issuance and beyond.
No more plan backlog. Let us handle the intake, processing, review and the inspections.
Need help creating guidance and policy documents for your entity? No problem we have you covered.
Code enforcement violations zoning, building, and others. Let us handle the heavy lifting and keep your staff available to assist other customers.
Safe Built LLC is here to help you develop your skills and your local program and process with confidence and consistency.  Sometimes all you need is someone to ask the question to and Safe Built LLC is there to answer.  Need a service we dont have listed, just ask.